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A Fresh & Fun Children's Discipleship Ministry

GameLife provides churches with a fun and engaging way to get children excited about God's Truth and eager to apply it to their lives.

What is GameLife?

GameLife is a fresh and fun children's discipleship ministry that creates teachable moments by playing "every-child-participates" interactive group games.

Children Are Saying

"aha, now I understand!" & "that was so much fun!"

Parents Are Saying

"my child loves coming to church" & "I can see my child's spiritual growth"

Leaders Are Saying

"easy to lead yet so powerful"

How GameLife Works

Get up and move experiential games, lively Bible discovery options with interactive discussions children will understand & remember.
Teaches God’s plan for redemption from Genesis to Revelation.
Flexible enough to be used for Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, midweek, individual events, or to add more excitement to your existing resources.

Use according to your needs:

  • full lesson = 20 minutes Experiential-Game, 20 minutes Bible-Discovery, 20 minutes Life-Discussion
  • supplement lesson = add the Experiential-Game as a reinforcement for more lively discussions or use as a fun lesson introduction.
  • GameLifeFamily = Play-at-Home Experiential-Games that lead to biblical-life-lessons. Click Here.
Allows creativity teach the Bible to your students by individual story, or chronological events, or create your own series by a topic.
Customize the activities to meet the length of your class time.
Combine large and small group activities into one unit.
Dashboard: allows teachers to plan, prepare & present lessons from any connected device.
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Our Methodology

GameLife creates teachable moments, Children will say "aha, now I understand!"

GameLife training sessions focus on One Main Truth from the Bible.

GameLife teaches students in Three Dynamic Zones:

Game Zone

In the Game Zone, students experience the One Main Truth.

We provide step-by-step game instructions so anyone can be an "Experiential Game Zone Master"

Discovery Zone

In the Discovery Zone, students discover the One Main Truth.

We provide all the answers for leaders so anyone can be a "Bible Discovery Zone Master"

Life Zone

In the Life Zone, students apply the One Main Truth.

We provide clear questions and even answers so anyone can be a "Life Application Zone Master"

Experience GameLife Today

"The reason that I’m with GAMELIFE, being a busy dad of three kids and working and things like that, is I feel like GAMELIFE has this integrity that makes it so valuable to a church."

What Others are Saying

Kadra P.

GameLIfe really changed my life. It helped me be braver with how I talked to my friends and share God with them. It also helps me bring my friends to Jesus, I actually brought a friend to Jesus last week, and it helps me know that I have a safe place to go besides home that I can go and bring friends and we’ll all have a good time together.

Nolan B.

What I like about GameLife is that I love playing games with my friends and then it connects to talking about God. I’ve learned that God is like a best friend and I can pray to him all the time.

And I love telling people about Jesus

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The GameLife Impact

GameLife is a children's discipleship ministry that Equips Children with the truth of God's Word, Empowers Leaders, and Engages the Local Community
Equip Children

Equip Children

Children ages four to fourteen, learn best in fun engaging environments. GameLife creates teachable moments allowing each boy and girl to personally experience and discover the One Main Truth.
Empower leaders

Empower Leaders

GameLife provides super simple step-by-step leader guides to train leaders to engage children through fun experiential games, fun-paced Bible discovery, and real-life application of the One Main Truth.
Engage Communities

Engage Communities

Games are universal, in every country around the world, children love playing games when your church offers GameLife it is a joy and easy to invite friends and families to church.